Murcia: Final Stakeholder Meeting and Festival

Murcia: Final Stakeholder Meeting and Festival

From May 8 to May 11, Murcia will be the venue for the last big event of INDCOR. In several locations, such as UCAM HiTech, UCAM Campus Los Jerónimos, and UMU Campus La Merced, dozens of local and international stakeholders, as well as professionals and INDCOR members, will share their work and experience. New narratives, mobile devices, and case studies will be the key elements of the program.

For instance, on the first day, an exhibition of potential uses with Vision Pro, Meta Quest, and QX3 will be developed by the UCAM UX Director, Pau Guardiola. On the other hand, the next two days will serve as a showcase of the diversity of needs, strategies, and products offered by stakeholders. Some of them are confirmed, like Antonio Giménez (Senior Vice President, Global Publicity at Sony Pictures).

Among other activities, a workshop on Augmented Reality & Cultural Heritage will take place at Forum Roman (Cartagena).