WG1: Design and Development
Chair: Andrew Perkis – andrew.perkis@ntnu.no
Vice Chair: Kuldar Taveter – kuldar.taveter@taltech.ee
Design IDN prototypes and analyse the design and evaluation process with the aim to make the resulting knowledge available to practitioners for the representation of complex topics. A first target group will be journalists and media organizations.
The mission of this WG is to address complexity and societal context through the creation and evaluation of IDN prototypes. The IDn prototypes will be based on existing cultural and societal examples and possibly IDNs designed specifically for INDCOR. Its overall approach is to divide the work in eight phases:
- Create an inventory of available IDN prototypes within and outside of INDCOR
- Analyze existing workflows (in the media industry, especially in journalism), to understand how interactive digital narratives can be integrated. Involve WAN-IFRA (World association of news and newspaper – https://www.wan-ifra.org/ and especially the Global Alliance for media innovation (GAMI) – https://media-innovation.news/
- Analyze participatory forms (Audience participation, citizen engagement)
- Integrate the input from WG 2 on concepts and vocabulary
- Develop agile design methods for IDN prototyping
- Apply these methods such as hackatons with transdisciplinary teams (writers, designers, programmers, artists, etc.) using and attractive topic/domain selected in discussion with WG 4
- Evaluate the results together with WG 3
- Use the results and analysis as basis for the
- White paper IDN Design Conventions – D1.4
- Education white paper providing guidelines on IDN Design – D1.6