Sergio Albaladejo is an Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain, where he obtained the PhD degree in Communication with a thesis about transmedia literacy. He loves films and has the great luck to teach several subjects related to cinematography, such as Audiovisual Fiction, Documentary and Journalism and Cinema. He is also passionate about video games, which have become another of his main fields of study, because of what he feels honored to be part of the INDCOR COST Action.
Did you know COST Actions before of joining INDCOR?
I have to admit that I did not know them and I was surprised to discover, once I joined INDCOR, that such interesting actions related to my main research interests were being carried out.
Why did you decide to become an INDCOR member?
The subjects that are being studied encouraged me to join INDCOR. I thought that I could learn a lot and also contribute with some of my knowledge. In addition, the fact of knowing another members whom I hold in high regard and having published some articles with one of them [professor Juan Francisco Hernández, INDCOR member too], contributed to my wish to join, since I believe that teamwork is very important; each contributing what they know best and what they do best.
Which one is the part of your research more connected to INDCOR?
The part of my research more connected to INDCOR is the one related to transmedia, especially from a narrative (transmedia storytelling) and educational (transmedia literacy) point of view. In recent years I have focused on two aspects closely linked to the project: the connections between transmedia and video games, as well as between gamification and education (PDF).
What it means for you Transmedia Literacy and Transmedia Storytelling?
On the one hand, transmedia storytelling consist of the construction of stories that, rather than being confined to a single medium like television, cinema, radio, printing press or the Internet, are expanded by multiple platforms as if they were pieces of a great narrative puzzle in which each part makes a distinctive and valuable contribution to the whole. On the other hand, transmedia literacy implies training the audiences -especially the youngest- to be able to read, write and interact across platforms, putting into practice fictional consumption strategies they carry out on a daily basis but for educational purposes in this case.
Something new you discovered through INDCOR so far?
Because of the many interdisciplinary approaches that are being developed through the project, I have been more aware of the numberless methods of investigation that can be carried out around videogames.